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Links for Catcher in the Rye

Best Sites

Exploring Catcher in the Rye -- This is a wonderful site that includes an index of references in the book, a photo tour, and art gallery and more. Unfortunately, it is on a limited-access site and gets so many hits that you sometimes can't view the site because it has exceeded its data transfer limit. View when you can. [Go here for the index when this site is down.]

New York Times Featured Author -- This page collects reviews of the novel over the years, with links to related articles from the newspaper. You have to register to login, but registration is free.

Fan Site -- This fan site has some interesting links and a unique impression of the book.

Life & DeathTime Cover

The Economist Obituary
London Guardian Obituary -- fact-filled.
New York Times Obituary -- extensive links
New Yorker Obituary
Washington Post Obituary
Time Obituary

“What Salinger Means to Me” -- National Public Radio obituary, also links to related NPR stories.

“In Search of J. D. Salinger” -- People overview, with pictures (6 June 1988).


New York Times July 15, 1951 -- Original Release

“With Love and 20-20 Vision” -- Original Release, Time Magazine, 1951.

“Holden Today - Still in the Rye” by Stefen Kanfer -- Time Essay as an update on Holden’s post-novel life.

“Holden, 50, Still Catches” by Fred Bratman -- New York Times retrospective and analysis of novel’s impact.

“Get a Life, Holden Caulfield” by Jennifer Schuessler -- Ostensibly about the restraining order on a Catcher parody, this article focuses on whether or not the book is relevant to modern readers.

“Aw, the World’s a Crumby Place” by James Stern -- parody review of the novel.

“The Dimwitted Legacy of Holden Caulfield” by George Will -- Chicago Sun-Times retrospective analysis of novel’s impact by George Will, in imitation of Holden’s Style.

“Of Teen Angst and an Author’s Alienation” by Michiko Kakutani -- An appraisal and retrospective of the novel’s influence.


Cyrano Server

Cover as requested and specified by J. D. Salinger

 Critical Articles

“Love and Death in The Catcher in the Rye” by Peter Shaw -- offers a psychoanalytic interpretation of Holden’s social observations and mental state, placing his actions and emotions in the context of “the peculiar patterns of adolescent crisis.”

“Kings in the Back Row: meaning Through Structure - A Reading of Catcher in the Rye” by Carl F. Strauch -- analyzes the novel’s symbolic structure through language, motif, episode, and character.

“Holden at Fifty: The Catcher in the Rye and what it spawned” by Louis Menard -- An analysis of the impact and reputation of the novel over a fifty-year period.

esquireJust for Fun

Comin’ Thro’ the Rye Lyrics

Central Park’s Official Website

Catcher in the Rye Quotes at GoodReads

Fan Fiction -- Alternate endings, added chapters, other fiction in the style or on the subject of Catcher.

Fisher-Price Theater -- Go here for an intriguing comic book version of the novel.

Walk in Holden’s Footsteps -- Interactive Map of New York City and a related article.

“Bunch of Phonies Mourn J. D. Salinger” -- Onion obituary.

Phonies! Movies Inspired by J. D. Salinger -- a photo-show from Time.

The Gospel According to Holden -- Newsweek article Holden’s influence on pop culture, crime, even linguistics.

“In Praise of Serious Hats” by Lance Morrow -- reflective essy on the symbolism of hats (25 April 1983, Time).

Assignments for the Novel

Teaching Poster: Design a poster designed to teach your classmates about the novel.

In Holden’s Syle: Creative writing assignment emulating Holden’s style.

Writing about Literature: Directions for your essay on The Catcher in the Rye.

ABC Book: Group project to create an alphabet book using characters, symbols, events, etc. from The Catcher in the Rye.

Understanding Character: Using the handout, analyze Holden’s character and use your analysis and imagination to determine appropriate answers for each of these strange questions.

Poetry Project: Creative writing assignment requiring four original poems derived from The Catcher in the Rye (limerick, ode, viewpoint, and found).

Character Poems: Compose a series of poems and/or songs in the voices of characters from the novel. You may want to imagine that you have been hired to turn the novel into a musical or even a modern opera.

*SPECIAL NOTE: Prestwick House offers Levels of Understanding, a unit based on Bloom’s Taxonomy which includes leveled writing assignments for each chapter, as well as a very useful introduction and teacher guide. I rarely recommend commercial products like this, but definitely worth the $25.00 for 183 pages.

Applied Practice also offers an unit with passages andAP-style multiple-choice questions. The explanations of correctanswers are especially useful ihn teaching AP MC stratgies. NOT useful as a reading check, BUT can even be used without reding the qhole novel. Sampler.

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I can maintain and expand this website only with your help.

Updated 1 January 2019.
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