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Preview: Treat yourself! See how much you already know. Download and play Classical Jeopardy! Click on the underlined link and “save link to disk.” Please note that this is a PowerPoint game so you must have PowerPoint to run it or download an appropriate PowerPoint viewer from Microsoft.

Assignment One:
After you have signed up for a god, goddess, or hero in class, design an appropriate coat of arms for your person. After you draw the name of another mythological figure, you will design and write a postcard to that person. Take advantage of the information, links, and samples provided on the assignment pages. Hint: Copying is not collaboration.

Assignment Two:
So, think you know it all about mythology? Use the link that follows to take an online quiz. Try a couple more if you have time. Fun Fact Quiz

Assignment Three:
You may be surprised to see how often books and movies allude to mythology. You will write a paragraph discussing your findings in each of the following searches.

  • Go to amazon.com and search for books for achilles? (samples). Take notes on the references you find. Explore not only the number, but also the books themselves and how they use the myth.
  • Then go to the Internet Movie Database and search for titanic (samples). Take notes on the references you find. Explore not only the number, but also the movies themselves and how they use the myth.

Assignment Four:
Select one of the links below and examine the site thoroughly. Evaluate the value of this online resource, for both content and design, using handouts given in class. (You can also print your own copy of the Content Guide and Design Guide.) If you locate a site we should add to the class links, please let me know. Hint: When you're suposed to be a know-it-all, know it all.

Sites to Be Reviewed

Aesop’s Fables Online This searchable site includes the complete text of more than 655 fables, illustrations, and RealAuidio narrations. Ambrose Bierce, Jean De La Fontaine, and the Brothers Grimm keep company here.

Bullfinch’s Mythology OnLine Full Text of the original, with clipart, is also linked to art, translations, and much more. Thorough, interactive search of the site itself actually loads what it finds so you don't need to keep on clicking.

List of Greek Mythological Characters This site can help with all those dreaded worksheets.

Constellation List This site opens with a list of all the constellations. On the left, you can pick your location by latitude and then by date. Once you get to a specific night sky, be sure to click where it says Show Constellations to see the images superimposed. Excellent explanations of the myths and stories behind the stars on the opening page.

Assignment Five:
Who’s Who among the Olympians? Identify the twelve immortals in this Olympian Imagemap.

Assignment Six:
Examine NOVAs Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Get clued in! Know the answers by next class period.

Assignment Seven:
The Getty Museum has created an online tour of five classical artworks, with lessons for each. Examine each artwork. When you go to the page for each artwork, you can read the teacher notes and lesson plans and download handouts. Check with your teacher to see exactly what written assignments will be due at the end of each lesson. Remember to properly punctuate the titles of artworks. Start at Gods, Heroes, and Monsters: Mythology in European Art.

Assignment Eight:
Now let’s look at two more modern interpretations of mythology. Examine Pieter Brueghels The Fall of Icarus and Henri Matisses La Chute d'Icare. Write a comparison/contrast composition in which you discuss how each painting embodies, yet reinterprets, the original myth. Or write an analysis about J. M. W. Turner’s Ulysses deriding Polyphemus. Once again, discuss how the art reinterprets the original story.

Assignment Nine:
Examine the objects and images in the classroom and listen to the song exerpt below:

ghost.AIFF or ghost.wav

Write an explanation of each and every allusion. There are three allusions in the song itself, but you need to find ten total.

Other Links for the Classics

BBC Roman History Simple overview, but a good place to start.

Classics Unveiled incorporates the old MythNet (“Where Togas Are Still Hip). Focus on Romans includes Rome Unleashed (history), Rome Exposed (daily life), and Latin Wordstock. Check out tour guide, games, etc.

Dr. J’s Illustrated Lectures Janice Siegel talks the talk -- on the Mythic Hero, Greek Theater, Greek Drama, Greek History -- and shares it all with us.

Encyclopedia Mythica Multiple mythologies, folklore, legends, genealogy tables, and image galleries in a comprehensive, searchable database. Preview image galleries from thumbnail page. Dictionary entries include etymology, pronunciation, source of information, and cross-references within the Encyclopedia. Incredibly well-organized and easy to navigate -- even printable, in spite of frames. Sometimes hard to access because it is so popular.

Folklore & Mythology: Electronic Texts Just the words, ma'am -- ALL the words. Unbelievable.

Internet Classics Archive has 441 searchable texts to read online or download zipped for later. Check out recommended websites or commentary for each title. Add your own recommendations. If you can't afford to buy it, don't. Get your texts for free!

MythWeb is best about Greek heroes -- Bellerophon (animated), Hercules, Jason, Odysseus, Theseus. Illustrated versions of the tales feature original comic art. A bit wry, but well done. "ImageMap" of the Gods is links to details from the art, with explanations. "Encyclopedia" leaves the site, so be sure to open links in a new window. "Today" section explores the relevance of mythology today. Also has teacher resources and contests.

Odyssey Online covers Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Africa. Topics for each include people, mythology, daily life, death & burial, writing, and archaeology. Very attractive, with games at each level. Also has teacher resources.

Perseus Project Everybody links to the “mother of all mythology websites, for good cause. Multiple translations offered for all texts.

Updated 25 June 2018.
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