Film Review Information Guide

1. What is the title and release year of your film?
2. Who are the main actors in the film? At least two.
3. Who is the director?
4. Who wrote the screenplay?
5. Who is the cinematographer?
6. Who is the producer?
7. Who is responsible for the music?
8. Who is the editor?

1. Who are the main characters?
2. What is the setting of the film?
3. Summarize the plot. (Keep it short. Tell enough information to entice the reader but not enough to tell the entire story. Do not tell the ending!)
4. Is this film like any other film? Which one and why?

A. Literary Aspects

1. Characterize the story of the film. Is it involving, complicated, unbelievable, well structured, realistic?
2. How would you characterize the dialogue? Do people really speak like this? Or does the film attempt to create a unique world of its own? Does it succeed? Why or why not?
3. What are the themes present in this film?
4. Are there any symbols in this film? What are they and what do they add to the film?

B. Dramatic Analysis

5. Describe the acting. Provide specific examples from the film of at least two actors and their roles. Where they believable?
6. Describe sets, costumes, and makeup. How do they help establish the characters and story?

C. Cinematic Analysis

7. Pick a sequence from the film (the opening moment, an important scene or two, or the ending) and discuss the director's use of shots. Does the director employ a lot of camera movements or particular type of shot? How does the director put shots together to tell his story?
8. How does the director get from one shot to another? Is there a lot of a particular type of cut? (Jump cut, fade-in/fade-out, dissolve, etc.) What do each of these add to this film?
9. What did you notice about the film's sound effects and music? What do they add to the film? Be as specific as possible.

Paige Mayhew OWP 2000 Adapted from Teasley and Wilder