Pictorial Interpretations of Tennyson's "The Lady of Shalott": A List

Paintings in Oil and Watercolor

William A. Breakspeare
John Atkinson Grimshaw
Arthur Hughes
Edward Robert Hughes
William Holman Hunt
John La Farge
Sidney Harold Meteyard, seated gazing at mirror
Sidney Harold Meteyard, entering her boat
Charles Robinson
John Williams Waterhouse, seated in her boat
John Williams Waterhouse, in her bower
Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Book Illustrations

Walter Crane
Jas. Fagan
William Holman Hunt
Charles Howard Johnson
Henry Marriott Paget
Howard Pyle
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Edward J. Sullivan
Ina Warez


Shelah Horvitz Higgins
Arthur Hughes
William Holman Hunt (studies for both his painting and book illustration)

John Everett Millais
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Elizabeth Siddal


Henry Peach Robinson