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Poetry Presentations
Student Projects

Written Requirements:

Other Content Requirements:

  • Poet’s background
  • Poet’s other works
  • Description of the poem type (at least covering general form and content)
  • Identification of poetic elements -- imagery (simile,metaphor,personification, etc.); sound devices (rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, etc.); and any others from your class handout.
  • Analysis of how the poet's use of images and poetic techniques reveals and develops the theme of the poem

Oral / Visual / Multimedia Requirements:

  • Reading (or even performance) of the poem
  • Visual representation for teaching (overhead transparencies, web page, PowerPoint show, posters, etc.
  • Handout with poetic elements identified and analyzed
  • Bibliography with three text references and three websites

Grading Rubric

The following links may be useful for your research:

Quoting from a Poem

Poetry Terms

Academy of American Poets
Robert Pinsky’s Favorite Poem Project
Bill Moyers’ Fooling with Words
Poetry Society of America

To download a sample PowerPoint presentation or see a sample web page
on “Love Is Not All” by Edna St. Vincent Millay.
This may take some time to load because of graphics. Please be patient.

Updated 10 February 2017.
If you download or print anything from this site, please consider making at least a $10.00 donation through PayPal.
I can maintain and expand this website only with your help.

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