Reading Journals
Write down the title of your book, the author,
and the page at which you stopped. Fill at least one FULL
page with your personal response to the book. If you have
trouble thinking of enough to fill a page, use some of the following
suggested sentence lead-ins.
- I wonder what this means
- I really don't understand this part because
- I really like or dislike this book because
- This character, __________ , reminds me of
somebody I know because
- This character, __________ , reminds me of
myself because
- This character, __________ , is like __________
in __________ because
- I think this setting is important because
- This scene reminds me of a similar scene
in __________ because
- This part is very realistic or unrealistic
- I like or dislike this style of writing because
- This section makes me think about __________
- This section is particularly effective because
- The ideas here remind me of the ideas in
__________ because
- I like or dislike the character, __________
, because
- This situation reminds me of a similar situation
in my own life when
- The character I most admire is __________
- If I were __________ at this point, I would
Avoid plot summary. Explore your feelings,
thoughts, reactions, questions. Take some risks. Write about
what you like or dislike, what seems confusing or unusual to
you. Tell what you think something means. Make predictions about
what might happen later. Try to relate this book to another work
you've read. Connect your personal experiences with the characters,
plot, or setting.