Business Cards

Student Poetry

Body Biographies
Greek Gods & Goddesses   Concrete Poems  

“Miss Brill” Movie

Coats of Arms

Ekphrastic Poems


Heart of Darkness

Greek Mythology




Huckleberry Finn



Apollo and Hades

  Undressing Poets  



Where I Am from...
Ninth & Tenth Grade


Odyssey and Oh, Brother Where Art Thou?

Cyrano de Bergerac
Text Illustrations

Student Web Pages

Portrait of the Artist
As a Young Man

Excalibur Projects


Time Traveler Websites



Student Art

Student Art
Invisible Man Projects
Motif Strand PowerPoints--  Dreams, Sex (1 & 2), Violence, Paper, Vision (1, 2, & 3), Symbolic Objects, Oratory, Music, Family, and Power.
Teacher Samples

Ad Analysis

“Advice to My Son”
SIFT Posters


“Miss Brill”Body Biographies


“Birthday Party” Theses

“Eleven” Theses

“Feeling Good” Theses

“Manhole Covers” Theses

“Onslaught” Theses


“Birthday Party” Re-Tellings

“Manhole Covers” LRJs

“Miss Brill” LRJs

“Online” LRJs

Teachers Undressing Poets

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Updated 15 December 2024.

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